Like the cave wall, the papyrus, the parchment scroll, the book, or the magazine, a website is just a piece of technology used to tell a story. Surely, aesthetics IS marketing. However, a website is only as good as the story it tells, and in the same sense a story is only as good as you tell it. At The Bard Company, we are experts in taking a brand, and a company’s central story, and telling it across a website experience that meets industry standards of mobile-first design, responsiveness, and ROI & KPI focused user experiences. We match the user experiences across the branding and engagement experiences, ensuring that complex retargeting pixels and audience matching make sure to take your website’s story to where people are.

Agua Viva Campaign
Agua Viva Campaign
Assessment, Branding, Communication Schedule, Copywriting, CRM, Data, Development, Digital Plan, Dynamic Retargeting, Ecommerce, Email Marketing, Engagement, Events, Facebook, Fundraising, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Graphic Design, HTML/CSS/JS, Instagram, Klipfolio, Lead Generation, Logo Design, Marketing, Mobile, Non-Profit, Reporting, SEO, Twitter, UI & UX, Video, Web Design, Web Development, Wordpress